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Newtownhamilton Primary School, Newtownhamilton

News - Key Stage 1

2023/2024 School Year

2nd Feb 2024
On Number Day we enjoyed learning all about the Census from Cheryl from the Census...
27th Nov 2023
Over the last few weeks P4/5 have been creating a product as part of their Farm to...
11th Nov 2023
Remembrance art in P4/5. 
23rd Oct 2023
P4/5 took a trip down to Park Butchers as part of our Farn to Fork topic. A huge...
11th Oct 2023
P4/5 enjoyed following an online Just 2 Easy lesson to create a self portrait with...
18th Sep 2023
P4 and P5 took part in a 6 week programme with Mary from Relax Kids. She taught us...