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Newtownhamilton Primary School, Newtownhamilton

News - Key Stage 1

7th Oct 2024
Well done to all those who earned a Golden Ticket during the month of September!  
19th Sep 2024
We are so excited to be learning Spanish with Mrs Whitford this year! 
16th Sep 2024
We are delighted to have Miss Lynn Anderson teaching PE this year. Today we enjoyed...
16th Sep 2024
We enjoyed the beautiful sunshine in P4 and P5 on our return to school. Fun times...

2023/2024 School Year

2nd Feb 2024
On Number Day we enjoyed learning all about the Census from Cheryl from the Census...
27th Nov 2023
Over the last few weeks P4/5 have been creating a product as part of their Farm...
11th Nov 2023
Remembrance art in P4/5. 
23rd Oct 2023
P4/5 took a trip down to Park Butchers as part of our Farn to Fork topic. A huge...
11th Oct 2023
P4/5 enjoyed following an online Just 2 Easy lesson to create a self portrait with...